LG Electronics 1302-REV00 Projector Accessories User Manual

Ez Bracket Adjustment Guide
1. Reset projection
Press the Edge Adj button on the remote control and select Reset.
(Select Settings OPTION Edge Adj Reset to reset the position of the
•  Language
•  Caption  : Off
•  Pointer
•  Set ID  : 1
•  PJT Mode  : Front
•  Edge Adj 
•  Blank Image  : Blue
2. Adjust the projection to fit within the screen
1 If the projection is too large
Insert the hex wrench into the hole as illustrated (left) and turn it counterclockwise to reduce
the size of the projection.
2 To move the projection to the left
Insert the hex wrench into the hole as illustrated (left) and turn it counterclockwise to move
the projection to the left.
3 To move the projection to the right