Lindy 32499 Projector User Manual

Wireless Projector Server User Manual
6.5 Operating Mode
IP Setup
IP Address: The default value is
Subnet Mask: The default value is
Default Gateway:
DHCP Server Setup – Can be Auto or Disabled
Start IP: The starting IP address of the DHCP Server
End IP: The ending IP address of the DHCP Server
Wireless Setup – Can be Enabled or Disabled
Region: Select your region
SSID: The maximum length is 32 bytes
SSID Broadcast: Enable or Disable function
Channel: Fixed or auto channel; Selecting “Auto” means that after powering on the
box, it will scan all of wireless channels and select clear one channel automatically.
By choosing manual, you can select the channel you want to use
WEP: Choose to disable WEP key or select one of 64/128bit in ASCII or HEX string
Key Index: If WEP is enabled, set the key value according to WEP mode selected
All Pass / All Block / Internet Only (options)
6.6 Projection Setup