EtherFast 10/100 PrintServers
Instant EtherFast
Creating NetWare 5.x NDPS Printer(s)
After creating an NDPS Manager, you can now create NDPS printers by
using NetWare Administrator. To create Public Access Printers using the
NDPS Manager Object in the NetWare Administrator application, follow
these steps:
1. Run NetWare Administrator.
2. Right-click on the container where you would like to create the printer,
then select Create.
3. Select NDPS Printer.
4. Give the printer a name and click on Create.
5. The Create Printer Agent will appear. Click on Browse for the NDPS
Manager name. Select the Manager, then click OK.
6. Select the available printer. If your printer is not available, select None.
7. Select Remote (LPR on IP) in the Connection Type field.
8. Click Next. Type the IP address assigned to the PrintServer. In the Printer
Name field, give your printer a name, e.g., L1.
9. Click Finish. A window will appear, asking you to select drivers.
10. When you are asked to select drivers for Windows 3.1, Windows 95/98
and Windows NT 4.0, select None. The new Printer Agent “S_Printer”
now appears in the Printer Agent List window.
The logical ports on the 1-Port PrintServer (with only one parallel port)
range from L1 to L3 The logical ports on the 3-Port PrintServer (with three
parallel ports) range from L1 to L8. More than likely you will only need to
use one logical port per parallel port on your PrintServer, but you can use
the higher numbered logical ports if necessary.
6. Type a new name into the NDPS Manager Name field at the top of the
window, e.g., P_MGR.
7. In the Resident Server window, click on Browse and select the name of
the server to which you want to assign this NDPS Manager.
8. In the Database Volume window, click on Browse and assign a location
to the NDPS Manager database, e.g., TECH_50_SYS.TeSupp.
9. Click on Create. The new NDPS Manager will appear in the main
Browser window.
10. Go to your NetWare server and type LOAD NDPSM. Activate the NDPS
Manager and select the NDPS Manager you just created.
To autoload the NDPS Manager each time you boot up the
server, add the following line to your server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file:
“NDPSM P_MGR. TeSupp” must be substituted for your
actual object name, as it is only an example name.