Chapter 16:
SFE2000/SFE2000P Gigabit Ethernet Switch Reference Guide
Viewing the RMON History Table
1. Click Statistics > RMON > History. The RMON History Control Page opens:
2. Click the History Table button. The RMON History Table Page opens:
RMON History Table Page
The RMON History Table Page contains the following fields:
• History Entry No. — Displays the entry number for the History Control Table page.
• Owner — Displays the RMON station or user that requested the RMON information. The field
range is 0-20 characters.
• Sample No. — Indicates the sample number from which the statistics were taken.
• Drop Events — Indicates the number of dropped packets due to lack of network resources during
the sampling interval. This may not represent the exact number dropped packets, but rather the
number of times dropped packets were detected.
• Received Bytes (Octets) — Displays the number of octets received on the interface since the device
was last refreshed. This number includes bad packets and FCS octets, but excludes framing bits.
• Received Packets — Displays the number of packets received on the interface since the device was
last refreshed, including bad packets, Multicast and Broadcast packets.
• Broadcast Packets — Displays the number of good Broadcast packets received on the interface
since the device was last refreshed. This number does not include Multicast packets.
• Multicast Packets — Displays the number of good Multicast packets received on the interface since
the device was last refreshed.