Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server User Manual

Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper 73
Registry Value Registry Data Description
AuthenticateTime REG_DWORD Off = value is removed , On = time in sec-
onds in hexadecimal. Decimal = 20-600;
default = 120.
RAS Call-back Interval
Category: Windows NT Remote Access
Selection: Wait interval for callback
Description: Specifies the time in seconds that Windows NT will wait
before initiating the callback from a RAS dial-in user.
Registry Value Registry Data Description
CallbackTime REG_DWORD Off = value is removed, On = time in seconds in
hexadecimal. Decimal = 2-12; default = 2.
RAS Auto-disconnect
Category: Windows NT Remote Access
Selection: Auto disconnect
Description: Specifies the amount of idle time in minutes to wait be-
fore disconnecting the RAS client.
Registry Value Registry Data Description
AutoDisconnect REG_DWORD Off = value is removed, On = time in min-
utes in hexadecimal. Decimal: minimum =
0; default = 20.