352 Insufficient font memory is available for the downloaded
380 Job request is outside the range 0 to 4.
400 The character immediately following { is invalid.
402 Field separator is not in the expected location.
403 Field separator was not found.
404 The number or string that is currently being processed
is too long.
405 Too many fields exist in the format. You cannot have
more than 1000 (or 100 depending on your printer)
fields in the format. Lines, boxes, and constant text
fields count as fields.
409 The printer memory is full. Delete unnecessary formats
or graphics from memory. If you are using a graphic file
that is very large, consider using another mapping
method (such as run length encoding) to reduce the
required memory.
Communication Failures
Errors 410 to 413 are usually caused by a hardware failure, by an
incorrect SETUP option or by the host ignoring flow control
(XON/OFF, CTS/RTS or DTR). Communication settings:
Baud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
Word length 7 or 8
Stop bits 1 or 2
Parity Odd, Even, None
Flow control None, XON/XOFF, DTR, CTS
410 Parity on the printer does not match the parity on the
host. Check the parity setting under SETUP options.
Diagnostics and Errors