252 Chapter 6. Function Reference
Stable Dynamic System norms are calculated by an iterative Hamiltonian method. In
this case out is a 2×1 vector with upper and lower bounds for the norm.
# Set up a simple closed loop problem.
# This example is given in more detail in the
# hinfsyn online help.
plant = makepoly([0.1,-0.1,1],"s")*makepoly([1,1],"s")...
# Create weights
Wperf = 100/makepoly([100,1],"s")
Wact = makepoly([0.5,0.05],"s")/makepoly([0.05,1],"s")
# Form the weighted interconnection structure
sysnames = ["plant";"Wperf";"Wact"]
sysinp = ["ref";"control"]
sysout = ["Wperf"; "Wact"; "ref-plant"]
syscnx = ["control"; ... # input to plant
"ref-plant"; ... # input to Wperf
"control"] # input to Wact
wghtic = sysic(sysnames,sysinp,sysout,syscnx,plant,...
# Design Hinf controller
nctrls = 1
nmeas = 1
gmax = 25
gmin = 0
Kinf = hinfsyn(wghtic,nmeas,nctrls,[gmax;gmin])
Test bounds: 0.0000 < gamma <= 25.0000
gamma Hx
eig X eig Hy eig Y eig nrho xy p/f