National Instruments 370760B-01 Calculator User Manual

mergeseg 285
outpdm = mergeseg(pdm1,pdm2, {keywords})
Parameter List
Inputs: pdm1 input pdm
pdm2 input pdm
Keywords: domsort Sort the result of merging the pdms. If !domsort then
pdm2 is simply concatenated onto pdm1. Boolean. De-
fault = 1.
increasing Sort in increasing order. Boolean. Default = 1.
decreasing Sort in decreasing order. Boolean. Default = 0.
duplicates Leave duplicated domain values in outpdm. If !duplicates
is specified then only the matrices from pdm1 associated
with the duplicate domain values are included in outpdm.
The value of tol determines what constitutes equality in
the domains. Boolean. Default = 1.
tol Tolerance in determining duplicates in the domains. De-
fault = eps*max([domain(pdm1);domain(pdm2)])
Outputs: outpdm output pdm
This function concatenates two pdms and then sorts them according to their domain.
This is useful for merging experimental data taken over different frequency or time
ranges. A regular domain is not required. The pdms must have equal row and column