mu 295
[mubnds,D,Dinv,Delta,sens] = mu(M,blk)
Parameter List
Inputs: M Matrix or pdm.
blk Block structure defined by a matrix of dimension: number
of blocks × 2. If the ith block has c outputs and r inputs,
then blk(i,:) = [r,c]. The default is equivalent to 1x1 blocks
(M must be square).
Outputs: mubnds Upper and lower bounds (in vector form) for mu(M).
D,Dinv D-scale matrices giving the calculated upper-bound.
mu(M) ≤ msv(D*M*Dinv)
Delta Perturbation achieving the lower bound.
sens Sensitivity of the upper bound with respect to the values
in D & Dinv
Calculates the upper and lower bounds of the structured singular value of M, with block
structure: blk. The upper bound scaling matrices and the lower bound destabilizing
perturbation also returned.
The Osborne method is used to calculate the upper bound (for small matrices this is
enhanced by a Perron Frobenius method) and a power iteration is used for the lower
# The following is the classic example showing