NEC LCD1550X Computer Monitor User Manual

Control Systems
Control Systems: Six color presets select the desired color setting
(sRGB and NATIVE color presets are standard and cannot be changed). Color
temperature increases or decreases, in each preset. R,Y,G,C,B,M,S: Increases
or decreases Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Magenta and Saturation
depending upon which is selected. The change in color will appear on screen
and the direction (increase or decrease) will be shown by the color bars.
Original color presented by the LCD panel that is unadjustable.
sRGB: sRGB mode dramatically improves the color fidelity in the desktop
environment by a single standard RGB color space. With this color supported
environment, the operator could easily and confidently communicate color
without further color management overhead in the most common situations.
Tools 1
SHARPNESS: This function is digitally capable to keep crisp image at any
timings. It is continuously adjustable to get distinct image or soft one as you
prefer, and set independently by different timings.
EXPANSION MODE: Sets the zoom method.
H-EXPANSION : The horizontal image is expanded to approximately 2 times.
The vertical image is changeable.
VIDEO DETECT: Selects the method of video detection when more than one
computer is connected.
FIRST DETECT: The video input has to be switched to FIRST DETECT
mode. When current video input signal is not present, then the monitor
searches for a video signal from the other video input port. If the video
signal is present in the other port, then the monitor switches the video
source input port to the new found video source automatically. The
monitor will not look for other video signals while the current video
source is present.
The video input has to be switched to the LAST DETECT
When the monitor is displaying a signal from the current source
and a new secondary source is supplied to the monitor, then the monitor
will automatically switch to the new video source. When current video
input signal is not present, then the monitor searches for a video signal
from the other video input port. If the video signal is present in the other
port, then the monitor switches the video source input port to the new
found video source automatically.
NONE: The Monitor will not search the other video input port unless the
monitor is turned on.
DVI SELECTION: This function selects EDID DATA for ANALOG Signal or
DIGITAL Signal on the DVI Input. When the DVI-D is connected to DVI, DVI
selection is recommended to be selected Digital. When the DVI-A is connected
to DVI, DVI selection is recommended to be selected Analog.
DIGITAL: EDID DATA for DVI digital input is available.
ANALOG: EDID DATA for DVI analog input is available.
Controls –continued
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