NETGEAR GS700AT Switch User Manual

GS700AT Smart Switch Software Administration Manual
Introduction to the Web Browser Interface 2-18
v1.0, October 2008
2. Click DELETE to update the device.
Special Table Options
The NETGEAR web browser interface tables have a unique GUI design which includes the
following options:
Gold Buttons
•Quick Boxes
Interface View and Selection
Gold Buttons
Gold Buttons provide flexibility in viewing and configuring VLANs/LAGs on a port level. The
following example displays gold button basic usage options.
To view the LAG configuration of the ports:
1. Click anywhere on the ports gold button. The ports panel is displayed:
2. Select the ports to be added as LAG members within the selected LAG by clicking on their
respective boxes.
3. Click APPLY to update the device.
Quick Boxes
Quick Boxes provide users with flexibility in configuring VLANs for all ports or LAGs. Clicking
on the quick box toggles between the various options that exist for this field. A quick box appears
to the right of the arrow on the left-hand side of the gold button. The following example displays
quick box basic usage options.
To mark or unmark all ports:
1. Click on the quick box that appears to the left of the gold button. A T appears in the quick
box. This sets all ports as Tagged.
Figure 2-10