NETGEAR PR2000 Network Router User Manual

Advanced Settings
Trek N300 Travel Router and Range Extender PR2000
The time to live for the advertisement is measured in hops (steps) for each UPnP packet
sent. Hops are the steps a packet takes between routers. The number of hops can range
from 1 to 255. The default value for the advertisement time to live is 4 hops, which is fine
for most home networks. If you notice that some devices are not being updated or
reached correctly, it might be necessary to increase this value.
9. Click the Apply button.
The UPnP Portmap Table displays the IP address of each UPnP device that is accessing
the Trek and which ports (internal and external) that device has opened. The UPnP
Portmap Table also displays what type of port is open and whether that port is still active
for each IP address.
10. To refresh the information in the UPnP Portmap Table, click the Refresh button.
Traffic Meter
Traffic metering allows you to monitor the volume of Internet traffic that passes through the
Trek Internet port. You can set limits for traffic volume.
Traffic metering is available only when the Trek is operating in wired WAN mode. For more
information about connection modes, see
Internet Setup on page 34.
To monitor Internet traffic:
1. Launch your browser from a computer or wireless device that is connected to the Trek.
2. Enter or in the web browser address bar.
The login screen displays.
3. Enter the Trek user name and password.
The user name is admin. The default password is password. The user name and
password are case-sensitive.
4. Click the OK button.
The BASIC Home screen displays.