C6150 User’s Guide
Macintosh OS 10.2
For more information, see “General Information” on page 49.
1. Open the file you want to print.
2. Click File
→ Print.
3. On the Paper Feed panel, select All Pages.
4. Select Automatic Selection.
Macintosh OS 10.3
For more information, see “General Information” on page 49.
1. Open the file you want to print.
2. Click File
→ Print.
3. O pe n th e dr op -do wn li st be lo w Pr es et s. Sel ec t P ri nt er O pt io n.
4. At Auto tray switch, make your selection.
If the box has a check mark, the feature is ON.
If the box is empty, the feature is OFF.
5. Change any other settings as desired.
6. Click Print.