Item Description Emulations Group(s)
Host Interface If you wish to select a dedicated interface All Set-Up
rather than having the printer automatically
detect the interface being used, select
parallel, serial, OKI HSP (appears only if
the print server is installed), or Opt. Card
(appears only if optional card is installed).
I/F Time Out Sets the length of time the printer will All Set-Up
wait for additional data to be received
at the interface.
Impact Mode Change to Quiet for minimum sound; All Set-Up
change to Hi-Impact Copy for forms
thicker than 7-part carbonless.
Intr Chr Sub St International Character Sub Set: change Epson only Set-Up
to Code page Only if you wish the
printer to ignore the Language Set.
I-Prime Determines what the printer will do All Parallel I/F
when it receives the I-Prime signal from
the software: Buffer Print prints out the
buffer contents before resetting; Buffer
Clear dumps the buffer contents
immediately. Invalid causes the printer
to ignore the I-Prime command.
Language Set Replaces certain standard symbols with All Symbol Sets
special characters used in foreign
LF Speed Change to Slow if you wish to reduce the All Set-Up
speed with which the printer executes the
line feed command when using thicker
Line Spacing Change to 8 lines per inch to get more All Rear Feed,
lines per page. Front Feed
Op. Panel Operator Panel Function: Change to All Set-Up
Function Limited Operation to deactivate the
STORE and CONFIG buttons. This
prevents these from being changed from
the control panel when several people
are using the printer.
Page Length Sets the length of the continuous forms All Rear Feed,
you are using. Front Feed