Set Line
78 IOLAN DS1/TS2 CLI Reference Guide, Version 4.1
Set IO Failsafe
Description Sets the failsafe (watchdog) settings for I/O.
User Level Admin
Options mode
Set IO Modbus
Description Enabling the Modbus option makes the IOLAN act as a Modbus Slave, allowing
Modbus Masters to communicate with the IOLAN to control and/or retrieve I/O data.
User Level Admin
Options mode
Set IO Temperature-Scale
Description Sets the temperature scale that will be used for all Temperature input readings.
User Level Admin
Option temperature-scale
Set Line
Set Line Service
Description Sets the Line Service settings to signal I/O. When the line service is set to signal-io,
you also have the option of enabling the I/O extension for the serial singal pins. See
IOChannel IOExtension on page 88 for more information.
User Level Admin
Option signal-io
Sets the line to use signal I/O. You still need to define the serial pins for digital input
(CTS, DSR, or DCD) or digital output (RTS or DTR). See
Set IOChannel Digital
Input (Serial Pins) on page 80 or Set IOChannel Digital Output (Serial Pins) on page
83 for configuration options.
set io failsafe [mode on|off] [timeout <seconds>]
Enables/disables the Failsafe Timer. This is the global setting that must be enabled to
set the Failsafe Action on the channel for digital outputs and relays. When this timer
expires because of no I/O activity within the specified time interval, the Failsafe Action
set for the channel determines the action on the output.
The number of seconds that must elapse with no I/O activity before the channel
Failsafe Action is triggered. Valid values are 1-9999. The default is 30 seconds.
set io modbus [mode on|off] [uid <1-255>]
Enables/disables the ability to control/monitor I/O channels using the Modbus protocol.
This is the UID you are assigning to the IOLAN, which is acting as a Modbus slave.
set io temperature-scale celsius|fahrenheit
Select the temperature scale that will be used to display temperature data, either
Fahrenheit or Celsius. The default is Celsius.
set line <number> service signal-io