Serial Port Profiles
Phone Number to Host Mapping
If your modem application dials using a phone number, you can add an entry in the Phone Number to
Host Mapping window that can be accessed by all serial ports configured as Virtual Modem. You
need to enter the phone number sent by your modem application and the IOLAN IP address and TCP
Port that will be receiving the “call”. 1-port models support up to 4 entries, all other desktop models
support up to 8 entries, and rack mount and medical unit models support up to 48 entries.
The following buttons are available:
VModem Phone Number Entry
Create an entry in the Phone Number to Host Mapping window.
Configure the following parameters:
Add Button Click the Add button to display a window that allows you to configure the
phone number or AT command your modem application sends and the
IOLAN’s IP address and TCP port number that is receiving the call.
Edit Button Click on a phone number entry and click the Edit button to change any values
configured for the phone number.
Delete Button Click on a phone number entry and click the Delete button to remove it from
the phone number list.
Phone Number Specify the phone number your modem application sends to the modem. Note:
The IOLAN does not validate the phone number, so it must be entered in the
exact way the application will send it. For example, if you enter 555-1212 in
this table and the application sends 5551212, the IOLAN will not match the
two numbers. Spaces will be ignored.