Polycom KWS6000 Server User Manual

KIRK Wireless Server 6000 Installation and Configuration Guide
KIRK 5020/5040 Handset
To remove a Login:
Logins can be removed from the system in use and from the 9 other systems
(if connected).
1 Press Menu to enter main menu.
2 Scroll to Settings and press Select.
3 Scroll to Advanced and press Select.
4 Scroll to Login and press Select.
5 Scroll to Remove login and press Select.
6 Scroll to the desired login and press Select.
7 Enter your password and press Ok.
Removing KIRK Handsets from the List (Deregistering)
You can deregister handsets from KWS6000. This is necessary when:
you must replace the handset due to loss or breakage.
you want to assign the handset to a user with a different telephone
1 Click Users, and then click List Users.
Removing a login requires a password. Password is factory set at 0000.
If the system in use is removed, it is necessary to select one of the
remaining systems or to subscribe to a new one.
If one of the systems not chosen is removed, the handset remains connected
to the system in use.