Genicom 3840 and 3410 ANSI Emulation
Set Vetical Tab Stop VTS
If 8-bit control code processing is enabled then
Control Code: VTS
Hexadecimal: 8A
Set Vetical Tabs At Specified Positions ESC [(p1);(p2)..(p12)v
Sets vertical tabs at positions p1, p2, p3, etc. Up to 12 stops can be set at one time. Tab stops are
measured in decipoints from the top print reference.
Example: Set tab stops at 4 and 7 inches.
Escape Sequence: ESC [ 2 8 8 0 ; 5 0 4 0 v
Hexidemical: 1B 5B 32 38 38 30 3B 35 30 34 30 76
Forms Setup
Forms Setup ESC [(p1);(p2);(p3)r
Sets top of form and sets form length, as well as top and bottom margins, in decipoints. Parameter p1 is
form length, p2 is the top margin, and p3 sets the length of white space between the baseline of the last
allowed line and the end of the form. Any parameter not specified is assigned its default value. Maximum
form length is 15840 decipoints (22 inches).
Default Values
p1 7920 decipoints 11-inch form
p2 0 decipoints 0-inch top margin
p3 0 decipoints 0-inch bottom margin
Set 8-inch form length, one-inch top margin, one-inch bottom margin.
Escape Sequence: ESC [ 5 7 6 0 ; 7 2 0 ; 7 2 0 r
Hexidemical: 1B 5B 35 37 36 30 3B 37 32 30 3B 37 32 30 72
Margin Setup ESC [(p1);(p2)s
Sets the left and right margin in decipoints; p1 is the left margin and p2 is the right. Distances are measured
from the left print reference. This command takes effect following the next line terminator (you can’t set
margins for the current line).
Example: Set the left margin at 0.4 inch and right margin at 6.9 inches, making a 6.5 inch print line.
Escape Sequence: ESC [ 2 8 8 ; 4 9 6 8 s