1675 MacArthur Boulevard
Costa Mesa, California 92626-1468 USA
Phone: 714/754-6175 Fax: 714/754-6174
Automatic Two-Speed, High
Efficiency Fan Cooling—For Quiet
Normal Operation with Maximum
Cooling on Demand
Rear-to-Front Air Flow—Keeps
Equipment Racks Cool
Front Panel Status LED’s—Indicate
Clip, Protect, Power and Signal
Rear Panel Detented Gain Controls—
For Security and Resetability
Open Input Architecture
Input Options
Detachable Euro-Style Barrier Strip
Input—Easy and Economical
Stereo, Bridge, or Parallel Operating
Modes—Switch Selectable
Double Thickness Rack Ears—For
Extra Strength
Covered Barrier Strip Output
Connections—Meets Safety Agency
he CX12 amplifier is ideal for use in any
permanently installed sound system.
Designed to meet the specialized needs
of high power, high quality audio systems,
the CX12 offers the features requested
most by contractors and installers from
around the world. Rear panel gain
controls offer extra security and front
panel status LEDs offer easy indication of
the amplifier conditions. Per channel
power ratings of 400 watts at 8 ohms,
20Hz-20kHz, 0.1% THD 1kHz, 1% THD
Stereo (W/Ch)
8Ω 400 watts 475 watts
4Ω 600 watts 700 watts
2Ω 900 watts*
16Ω 800 watts 950 watts
8Ω 1200 watts 1400 watts
4Ω 1800 watts*
600 watts at 4 ohms and 900 watts at 2
ohms make the CX12 an economical
choice for direct output applications that
don't require the output transformers of
the CX 12T. The CX12 resides in a rugged
three rack-space steel chassis approxi-
mately 17.9 inches deep. High output
power, high thermal capacity and rugged
reliability make the CX amplifiers ideal for
any high performance sound system