Congratulations on the purchase of the ASTROVID SolarCam™ VIDEO
CAMERA! This is a high quality Astronomical CCD Video Imaging System
with 2/3 inch monochrome CCD that will provide you with the best full disk
and high resolution Solar Viewing possible. With proper care this system
should last many years and provide excellent images!
1. Use only the power transformer supplied with the camera. Use of any
other power transformer will damage the camera and invalidate the Warranty.
2. A portable 12 volt battery pack can be used if there is a 0.5 (500 milliamp)
amp fuse wired in series with the positive lead. We also found that an
excellent way to use the cameras in the field is to use a 110 volt inverter. These
are available from either Wal-Mart or K-mart for less than $50.00.
3. Avoid static electricity discharges. These
may damage the CCD chip.
4. Do not point the CCD towards the Sun
unless protected with a proper solar filter
or Herschel Wedge. Permanent damage to
the CCD chip will result if the CCD is not protected.
5. Do not directly touch or attempt to clean the CCD chip.
6.The thread mount on the CCD camera has fine threads. Do not force it onto
the 1.25"-C adapter, T-C adapter, or lens mount.
7. In our use of the T-C adapter we have found that at times small metal flakes
from the T-adapter threads will end up on the protective glass that covers the
CCD chip. When using your camera they will show up as irregular opaque black
dots on the screen. They can either be blown off using an Air Syringe Bulb
available at drugs stores or by using a very soft artist’s paintbrush to carefully
dust them off.
8. Keep the cover on the camera when it is not in use.
9. Treat the ASTROVID SolarCam™ camera as a fine piece of equipment and
it will give you many years of enjoyment.
Please note: Camera setup will immediately follow the next section.
Your results will depend greatly on “seeing conditions” at the time of
1. A T-C or 1.25"-C adaptor is required to attach the video camera to the
2. The camera can be attached directly to the telescope via the T-C adapter or
via a 1.25"-C adapter into an eyepiece holder for prime focus videography.
3. If closer views are desired, either a barlow or stacked barlows with the 1.25"-
C adaptor or an eyepiece projection setup must be used.
4. Eyepiece projection or Barlow enlargement can be used for closer views of
prominences and sunspot detail.
Capturing real-time
images of the Sun,
White, H-alpha &
Calcium light.