890USE19600 April 2004
NIM network interface module. This module is the interface between an island bus and
the fieldbus network of which the island is a part. A NIM enables all the I/O on the
island to be treated as a single node on the fieldbus. The NIM also provides 5 V of
logic power to the Advantys STB I/O modules in the same segment as the NIM.
NMT network management. NMT protocols provide services for network initialization,
error control, and device status control.
object dictionary (aka object directory) Part of the CANopen device model that provides a map to the
internal structure of CANopen devices (according to CANopen profile DS-401). A
device’s object dictionary is a lookup table that describes the data types,
communications objects, and application objects the device uses. By accessing a
particular device’s object dictionary through the CANopen fieldbus, you can predict
its network behavior and build a distributed application.
open industrial
A distributed communication network for industrial environments based on open
standards (EN 50235, EN50254, and EN50170, and others) that allows the
exchange of data between devices from different manufacturers.
output filtering The amount that it takes an output channel to send change-of-state information to
an actuator after the output module has received updated data from the NIM.
output polarity An output channel’s polarity determines when the output module turns its field
actuator on and when it turns the actuator off. If the polarity is normal, an output
channel will turn its actuator on when the master controller sends it a 1. If the polarity
is reverse, an output channel will turn its actuator on when the master controller
sends it a 0.
output response
The time it takes for an output module to take an output signal from the island bus
and send it to its field actuator.