Seagate ST9250310AS Computer Drive User Manual

Momentus Product Manual, Rev. D 29
Note. See the bit descriptions below for words 63, 88, and 93 of the Identify Drive data:
Description (if bit is set to 1)
Bit Word 63
0 Multiword DMA mode 0 is supported.
1 Multiword DMA mode 1 is supported.
2 Multiword DMA mode 2 is supported.
8 Multiword DMA mode 0 is currently active.
9 Multiword DMA mode 1 is currently active.
10 Multiword DMA mode 2 is currently active.
Bit Word 88
0 Ultra DMA mode 0 is supported.
1 Ultra DMA mode 1 is supported.
2 Ultra DMA mode 2 is supported.
3 Ultra DMA mode 3 is supported.
4 Ultra DMA mode 4 is supported.
5 Ultra DMA mode 5 is supported
6 Ultra DMA mode 6 is supported
8 Ultra DMA mode 0 is currently active.
9 Ultra DMA mode 1 is currently active.
10 Ultra DMA mode 2 is currently active.
11 Ultra DMA mode 3 is currently active.
12 Ultra DMA mode 4 is currently active.
13 Ultra DMA mode 5 is currently active.
14 Ultra DMA mode 6 is currently active.
Bit Word 93
13 1 = 80-conductor cable detected, CBLID above V
0 = 40-conductor cable detected, CBLID below VIL
100–103 Total number of user-addressable LBA sectors available
(see Section 3.2 for related information)
These words are required for drives that support the 48-bit
addressing feature. Maximum value: 0000FFFFFFFFFFFFh.
104–118 ATA-reserved 0000
119 Free Fall Protection support (bit 5) 1 = Free Fall Protection supported
0 = Free Fall Protection not supported
120 Free Fall Protection enable/disable (bit 5) 1 = Free Fall Protection feature is enabled
0 = Free Fall Protection feature is disabled
121–127 ATA reserved 0000
128 Security status 0001
129–159 Seagate-reserved xxxx
160–254 ATA-reserved 0000
255 Integrity word xxA5
Word Description Value