CLI - This example sets the router to use RIP Version 2, and sets the basic
timer to 15 seconds.
Specifying Network Interfaces for RIP
You must specify network interfaces that will be included in the RIP
routing process.
Command Usage
• RIP only sends updates to interfaces specified by this command.
• Subnet addresses are interpreted as class A, B or C, based on the first
field in the specified address. In other words, if a subnet address
nnn.xxx.xxx.xxx is entered, the first field (nnn) determines the class:
- 0 - 127 is class A, and only the first field in the network address is used.
- 128 - 191 is class B, and the first two fields in the network address are
- 192 - 223 is class C, and the first three fields in the network address
are used.
Console(config)#router rip 4-325
Console(config-router)#version 2 4-328
Console(config-router)#timers basic 15 4-325
Console#show rip globals 4-335
RIP Process: Enabled
Update Time in Seconds: 15
Number of Route Change: 0
Number of Queries: 1