Additional Information 55
EDGE Maximum Data Rates
Speed achieved depends on the Coding Scheme supported by the GSM Network. The speeds given
are maximums, Sony Ericsson cannot guarantee how fast your network will operate.
Data rate is the payload per slot, header plus data.
SMS Technical Data
Software Upgrade
4 + 1 3 + 2
Data Rate
per slot
Rx Tx Rx Tx
MCS-1 10.60 42.40 10.60 31.80 21.20
MCS-2 13.00 52.00 13.00 39.00 26.00
MCS-3 16.60 66.40 16.60 49.80 33.20
MCS-4 19.40 77.60 19.40 58.20 38.80
MCS-5 24.05 96.20 24.05 72.15 48.10
MCS-6 31.25 125.00 31.25 93.75 62.50
MCS-7 47.45 189.80 47.45 142.35 94.90
MCS-8 57.05 228.20 57.05 171.15 114.10
MCS-9 61.85 247.40 61.85 185.55 123.70
Concatenated SMS Yes.
SMS Cell Broadcast Supported in Wireless Manager and by AT
Commands (excluding Cell ID)
SMS Immediate
Supported in Wireless Manager and by AT
SMS interface Wireless Manager, Communications Suite,
pocket PC Suite.
AT Command
PC Card firmware
Via Internet,
or at Sony Ericsson Service Points
PC Communications
Suite upgrade
Internet download