Star Micronics 8 Series Printer User Manual

Example: Assigning font numbers
Nowlet’sdo a program in BASIC. First we’llassignfont numbers to the
andPresigeresidentfontsandto acartridgefont,IBMPCCourier.
Thenwe’llprintsamplesof eachfont.
100 LPRINTCHR$(27) ;“(8U” ;
LPRINTCHR$(27 ) ; ( sOp10h12vOs Ob3T” ;
120 LPRINT CHR$( 15) ;
130 LPRINT CHR$(27) ; “*cID” ;
140 LPRINT CHR$( 27 ) ; “*c6F” ;
150 LPRINT CHR$( 27 ) ; “ ( 8u” ;
160 LPRINT CHR$(27) ; (sOp12h10vOsOb8T” ;
170 LPRINT CHR$(15) ;
180 LPRINT CHR$(27) ; “*c2D” ;
190 LPRINT CHR$(27) ;“*c6F” ;
200 LPRINT CHR$(27);’’(1OU” ;
210 LPRINT CHR$(27) ;’’(soplOhl2vOsOb3T’” ;
220 LPRINT CHR$(15);
230 LPRINT CHR$(27) ;“*c3D”;
240 LPRINT CHR$(27); ’’*C6F” ;
250 LPRINT CHR$(27) ;“(lX”;
260 LPRINT “Font 1 - Resident Courier”
270 LPRINT CHR$(27); ’’(2X” ;
280 LPRINT “Font 2 -
Resident Prestige”
29Q LPRINT CHR$(27); ’’(3X” ;
300 LPRINT “Font 3 - Cartridge PC Courier”
310 LPRINT CHR$(27); ’’(1X” ;
320 LPRINT CHR$(12)
Line 100and 110 callstheinternalCourierfontandline 120makesitthe
pnmaryfont. Line 130givesit font ID number l, and line 140makesit
through240forthccartridgcfont NoticethatthccartridgefonthastheIBM
symbolset code 10U.
Lines250through300printout samplesofthethreefonts.Finally, line310
formfeed to printthe page.