Instruction Manual
There are also a number of related service options that can be configured
at this stage:
This will enable netsnmp in the gateway, which will keep a remote log of
all posted information. SNMP is disabled by default. To modify the default
SNMP settings, the Administrator must make the edits at the command
This allows the ECS0016 to respond to incoming ICMP echo requests.
Ping is enabled by default, however for security reasons this service
should generally be disabled following initial configuration.
And there are some serial port access parameters that can be configured
on this menu:
The ECS0016 uses specific default ranges for the TCP/IP ports for the
various access services that Users and Administrators can use to access
devices attached to serial ports. The Administrator can also set alternate
ranges for these services, and these secondary ports will then be used in
addition to the defaults.
The default TCP/IP base port address for telnet access is 2000, and the
range for telnet is IP Address: Port (2000 + serial port #) i.e. 2001 – 2048.
If the Administrator were to set 8000 as a secondary base for telnet,
serial port #2 on the gateway can be telnet accessed at IP Address:2002
and at IP Address:8002.
The default base for SSH is 3000; for Raw TCP is 4000; and for
RFC2217, 5000.
Once you’ve made the appropriate selections, click Apply.