- DHCP Server - Enable or Disable the DHCP server. If you
disable the Server, you must have another DHCP server within
your network or else you must manually confi gure the computer.
- Start IP Address - This fi eld specifi es the fi rst of the addresses
in the IP address pool. is the default start
- End IP Address - This fi eld specifi es the last of the addresses in
the IP address pool. is the default end address.
- Address Lease Time - The Address Lease Time is the amount
of time a network user will be allowed connection to the router
with their current dynamic IP Address. Enter the amount of time,
in minutes, the user will be “leased” this dynamic IP Address.
The range of the time is 1 ~ 2880 minutes. The default value is
120 minutes.
- Default Gateway - (Optional.) Suggest to input the IP address
of the LAN port of the router, default value is
Fig. 32