Code 128
If you need to print a Carriage Return (hex.0D, dec.13), as part of a barcode,
send ">M" (13 + 64 = 77, see character set table to verify that decimal 77
equals the capital letter "M"). This substitution process can be carried out
throughout the range of decimal values, i.e., ">d" (decimal 100) equates to the
dollar symbol (decimal 36). If the greater-than symbol must be transmitted,
send ">0" (the 0 will not be part of the printed data).
The Code 128 barcode style selection can also be done manually. This is
done by adding a style selection character to the beginning of the barcode
data. Choose code A, B, or C from the table of special characters below:
When a style selection has been made, character data will be translated from
the selected code style to the Code 128 repesentation. See
Figure 11 on
page 254.
Table 45. Special Characters
Code 128
“>0 30 (“<“)
“>1” 95
“>2” 96
“>3” 97
“>4” 98
“>5” 99 (Code C)
“>6” 100 (Code B)
“>7” 101 (Code A)
“>8” 102