Typestyle Selection
Data Structure
ASCII ESC "q" <n> or n
hex. 1B 71 <n> or n
dec. 27 113 <n> or n
This sequence selects normal typestyle, outline typestyle, shaded typestyle or shaded out-
line typestyle. All the characters of the extended EPSON character set with the exception
of the characters hex.B0 to hex.DF (dec.176...dec.233), hex.F4 (dec.244) and hex.F5
(dec.245) can be printed in the selected typestyle.
The following parameter assignment applies:
n Typestyle
0 (hex.00 or hex.30) Normal typestyle
1 (hex.01 or hex.31) Outline typestyle
2 (hex.02 or hex.32) Shaded typestyle
3 (hex.03 or hex.33) Shaded Outline typestyle
10 REM character style
20 LF$=CHR$(10)
30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"q";CHR$(0);
40 LPRINT "<0> normal characters";LF$
50 LPRINT CHR$(27);"q";CHR$(1);
60 LPRINT "<1> outline characters";LF$
70 LPRINT CHR$(27);"q";CHR$(2);
80 LPRINT "<2> shadow characters";LF$
90 LPRINT CHR$(27);"q";CHR$(3);
100 LPRINT "<3> outline shadow characters";LF$
110 END
Character Styling