The Telenetics
modems are
designed to optimize communication links
where high speed or an unlimited number of
drops is necessary.
Dual Mode: 9600/4800 bps and FSK
Fast train modem equalizer with
23 msec RTS/CTS delay
DSP design with automatic
adaptive equalizer
Leased-line interface protected with
heavy-duty surge protection
Installs in the Telenetics and
Motorola/UDS RM16M Universal
Data Shelf
Document #0074 0502
Telenetics is a registered trademark of Telenetics Corporation. FlashPoll is a trademark of Telenetics Corporation.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. ©2002 Telenetics Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Telenetics FlashPoll DSP9612FP is a dual mode, full-featured 9600
Fast Poll and Bell 202T leased line modem with the fastest training
time in the industry: 23msec RTS/CTS delay. Ideal for utility and
industrial automation multi-dropping applications, including SCADA
systems, traffic automation and oil & gas automation projects, where
an unlimited number of drops is desirable.
The DSP9612FP is a standalone modem designed for 4-wire,
full-duplex or 2-wire, half-duplex operation over a voice-band leased
line. The modem design utilizes the latest digital-signal processing
(DSP) technology to achieve high performance.
In FlashPoll Mode (9600/4800 bps), the DSP9612FP employs
Telenetics’ proprietary modulation and encoding scheme to achieve
fast modem training time. In Bell 202T Mode, the modem is also
backward compatible with Bell 202T (0 – 1800 bps) modems.
Ideal for systems where fast response, short training time and low
throughput delay is required, FlashPoll is optimized for fast receiver
equalizer training and extremely low throughput delay.
The dual mode capability allows the DSP9612FP to communicate with
existing Bell 202T (0-1800, bps) remote modems, which can then be
upgraded at a later date to a Telenetics DSP9612FP FlashPoll
standalone or DSP9612RM Rack Mounted modems (see separate
Data Sheet No 0120 0601).
25111 Arctic Ocean Drive, Lake Forest, CA 92630
Tel: 949.455.4000 Fax: 949.455.4010
For more information on the
FlashPoll and Fast Poll
Modems Series contact
Telenetics at:
949-455-4000 or visit
For more information on the
FlashPoll and Fast Poll
Modems Series contact
Telenetics at:
949-455-4000 or visit
The Telenetics
modems are
designed to optimize communication links
where high speed or an unlimited number of
drops is necessary.
Dual Mode: 9600/4800 bps and FSK
Fast train modem equalizer with
23 msec RTS/CTS delay
DSP design with automatic
adaptive equalizer
Leased-line interface protected with
heavy-duty surge protection
Installs in the Telenetics and
Motorola/UDS RM16M Universal
Data Shelf