3.6 Keyboard Test 3 Tests and Diagnostics
TECRA M1 Maintenance Manual (960-436) 3-17
Subtest 03 PS/2 Mouse Connect Check
NOTE: To execute the PS/2 mouse connect check, a PS/2 mouse must be
connected to the computer before the power is turned on.
This subtest checks whether a PS/2 mouse is connected or not.
If this test does not detect an error, it returns to the subtest menu.
If this test detects an error, the following message appears.
1: Test end
2: Continue
3: Retry
Subtest 04 Touch Pad/IPS
This subtest checks the functions of the pointing stick as shown below.
A) Touch Pad/IPS stick pressure sensing direction and parameter.
B) Touch Pad/IPS switch function check.
This test reports the pointing stick motion response from the IPS and IPS switch.
When the stick is pressed towards the upper left, the <DIRECTION> display
changes according to the following illustration. If an IPS switch is pressed, the
<LAT> displays appear on the right side one by one. The parameters appear on
the center of the display. To exit this subtest, press the four IPS switches at the
same time.