3.27 LAN/Modem/Bluetooth/IEEE1394 Test Program 3 Tests and Diagnostics
TECRA M5 Maintenance Manual (960-542) [CONFIDENTIAL] 3-69
Table 3-5 Error message
Message Contents
Invalid BD_ADDR (all 00) 0x000000000000
Invalid BD_ADDR (bit0=1) bit40=1b
Invalid BD_ADDR (bit1=1) bit41=1b
Invalid BD_ADDR (define in the file) Defined BD_ADDR
If the machine detects a malfunction, it indicates the error code as shown
The error code begins with the least significant digit.
Error code
Table 3-6 Error code for Bluetooth test (BD_ADDR) (1/2)
Error code Meaning
0x01 Unknown HCI Command.
0x02 No Connection.
0x03 Hardware Failure.
0x04 Page Timeout.
0x05 Authentication Failure.
0x06 Key Missing.
0x07 Memory Full.
0x08 Connection Timeout.
0x09 Max Number Of Connections.
0x0a Max Number Of SCO Connections To A Device.
0x0b ACL Connection already exists.
0x0c Command Disallowed.
0x0d Host Rejected due to limited resources.
0x0e Host Rejected due to security reasons.
0x0f Host Rejected due to remote device is only a personal device.
0x10 Host Timeout.
0x11 Unsupported Feature or Parameter Value.
0x12 Invalid HCI Command Parameters.
0x13 Other End Terminated Connection: Used Ended Connection.
0x14 Other End Terminated Connection: Low Resources.
0x15 Other End Terminated Connection: About to Power Off.
0x16 Connection Terminated by Local Host.
0x17 Repeated Attempts.
0x18 Paring Not Allowed.
0x19 Unknown LMP PDU.
0x1a Unsupported Remote Feature.