4.13 Internal microphone 4 Replacement Procedures
4.13 Internal microphone
Removing the Internal microphone
To remove the internal microphone, follow the steps below and refer to Figure 4-24.
1. Peel off the glass tape and disconnect the microphone cable from the connector
CN6050 on the sound board.
2. Remove the internal microphone with a microphone holder from the slot.
3. Separate the internal microphone and the microphone holder.
Glass ta
Sound board
Figure 4-24 Removing the internal microphone
Installing the Internal microphone
To install the internal microphone, follow the steps below and refer to Figure 4-24.
1. Set the internal microphone into the microphone holder.
2. Install the internal microphone with a microphone holder to the slot.
3. Connect the microphone cable to the connector CN6050 on the sound board and stick
the glass tape in place.
TECRA M5 Maintenance Manual (960-542) [CONFIDENTIAL] 4-39