In Touch With Tomorrow
13131 West Little York Road
Houston, TX 77041
PH. 800 231- 1412, 713-466-0277 FAX 713-466-8773
Programmable Controllers
E-Mail plc@tic.toshiba.com
More Analog Inputs for T1 µPLCs
Toshiba Houston offers the Eagle analog I/O for the T1 Series µPLCs. The Eagle I/O is universal
analog I/O. Eagle I/O allows T1 PLCs to work with the following analog signals.
For the analog inputs, the Eagle I/O performs the A to D (analog to digital) conversion and loads a
digital value directly into a T1 register. For analog outputs, the Eagle I/O reads a digital value out
of a T1 register and performs a D to A (digital to analog conversion). Analog signal types and
PLC registers are defined using the included simple setup software.
Simple process control has never been easier or more cost effective. Now the analog values
of temperature, pressure, flow, weight, etc. can be included into the sequencing, interlocking and
permissive control performed by the PLC.
For more information contact your nearest Toshiba programmable controller distributor, or visit the Toshiba Houston
Industrial website, www.tic.toshiba.com.
♦ Thermocouples ♦ 0-20 mA ♦ 4-20 mA
♦ RTDs ♦ 4-20 mA ♦ 0-100 mV
♦ 0-50 mV ♦ 0-100 mV ♦ 0-10 Vdc
2 Analog Inputs
1 Analog Output
4 Analog Inputs
4 Analog Output
8 Analog