TP-Link TL-SG3424 Switch User Manual

Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Enable and configure the customized sub-option Circuit ID for the Option 82 as
TL-SG3424(config)# ip dhcp snooping information circuit-id tplink
ip dhcp snooping trust
The ip dhcp snooping trust command is used to configure a port to be a
Trusted Port. Only the Trusted Port can receive the DHCP packets from DHCP
servers. To turn the port back to a distrusted port, please use no ip dhcp
snooping trust command.
ip dhcp snooping trust
no ip dhcp snooping trust
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode (interface gigabitEthernet / interface range
Configure port 2 to be a Trusted Port:
TL-SG3424(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/2
TL-SG3424(config-if)# ip dhcp snooping trust
ip dhcp snooping mac-verify
The ip dhcp snooping mac-verify command is used to enable the MAC Verify
feature. To disable the MAC Verify feature, please use no ip dhcp snooping
mac-verify command. There are two fields of the DHCP packet containing the
MAC address of the Host. The MAC Verify feature is to compare the two fields
and discard the packet if the two fields are different.