The S9032 Controller is an intelligent networked device, for door entry/exit control
and alarm monitoring. Part of the new generation of S9000 Controllers, the
S9032 is a central component of the fully expandable AC2000 integrated security
management system.
The S9032 Controller provides full 10/100 Base-T Ethernet connectivity, allowing
users to remotely perform database administration and monitor alarms. The
administrator can use both Telnet and web-based user interfaces to remotely
monitor the controller status at any time. In the event of communications failure
with the host server, card transactions and alarms are stored in memory, and will be
uploaded to the host when communications are restored.
The S9032 Controller supports two multidrop networks of card readers with up
to 16 master readers off each port (32 total). The readers communicate with the
controller using RS485 serial communications. Each master reader can additionally
support a push-button, or Exit reader for egress.
The S9032 can be easily upgraded to a S9064 Controller offering two additional
multidrop networks of card readers from the same controller. This provides scope
for the controller to support up to 64 doors (128 readers IN/OUT). The upgrade can
be performed on site within minutes by entering a valid license code resulting in
minimal disruption to the system operation.
S9032 Controller
network device for
access control and alarm
monitoring with the CEM
AC2000 system
(64 readers IN/OUT)
S9064 Controller supporting
64 doors
case of power failure
database with expansion
250,000 card records
monitoring available via web
browser or Telnet
in the event of battery
backup failure
S9032 Controller