160 HP ProLiant DL360 Generation 4 Server Reference and Troubleshooting Guide
Accelerator Status: Possible Data Loss in Cache
Description: Possible data loss was detected during power-up due to all batteries
being below sufficient voltage level and no presence of the identification
signatures on the array accelerator board.
Action: No way exists to determine if dirty or bad data was in the cache and is
now lost.
Accelerator Status: Temporarily Disabled
Description: Array accelerator board has been temporarily disabled.
Action: Check the Disable Code field.
Accelerator Status: Unrecognized Status
Description: A status was returned from the array accelerator board that ADU
does not recognize.
Action: Obtain the latest version of ADU.
Accelerator Status: Valid Data Found at Reset
Description: Valid data was found in posted-write memory at reinitialization.
Data will be flushed to disk.
Action: No error or data loss condition exists. No action is required.
Accelerator Status: Warranty Alert
Description: Catastrophic problem exists with array accelerator board. Refer to
other messages on Diagnostics screen for exact meaning of this message.
Action: Replace the array accelerator board.