ZyXEL Communications ES-2024A Switch User Manual

ES-2024 Series User’s Guide
239 Chapter 33 Interface Commands
Enters interface command mode to configure port 1.
Execute the
test command.
View the results.
33.3 Interface no Command Examples
Similar to the no commands in Enable and Config modes, the no commands for the Interface
sub mode also disable certain features. In this mode, however, this takes place on a port-by-
port basis.
33.3.1 no bandwidth-limit
You can disable broadcast storm limit on port 1 simply by placing the no command in front of
bwstorm-limit command.
no bmstorm-limit
An example is shown next:
Disable bandwidth limit on port one.
sysname(config)# interface port-channel 1
sysname(config-interface)# test
Testing internal loopback on port 1 :Passed!
Ethernet Port 1 Test ok.
sysname(config)# interface port-channel 1
sysname(config-interface)# no bwstorm-limit