Delivering Secure Converged
SMB Networks
RIP, Static Routing Protocol Support
Flexible 4 GbE Uplink Interfaces
Multilayer-aware (L2/L3/L4) ACL for
Security Protection
Port Security and Enhanced 802.1x
Port Authentication
MAC Freeze and Intrusion Lock
Backup Power System Support
Multilayer-Aware (L2/L3/L4) ACL for
Optimizing Traffic Prioritization
IEEE 802.1p 8 Hardware Priority
WFQ, WRR and SPQ Queuing
Delivering Secure Convergence within the SMB Network
The ZyXEL ES-2724 is designed for SMB networks to realize multifunctional and flexible connectivity.
In addition to L2 switching, the ES-2724 offers L3 routing for specialized applications to be handled that
makes the ES-2724 an one-device, cost-effective platform for a SMB to build a combined L2 switching and
L3 routing network. Moreover, the ES-2724 offers prioritization of applications such as VoIP and security
with QoS configured through the ES-2724 network management tools.
Secure Multi-Service Delivery Quality
To harness multiple services such as VoIP, video conferencing and video streaming in business
environments, the ES-2724 is equipped with valued-added features for optimized traffic prioritization.
The combination of eight priority queues and the WFQ scheduling algorithm guarantees the quality of
time-sensitive applications, while different services can be assigned to specific VLANs and configured with
different priorities for traffic management. The ES-2724 comes with Multi-layer ACLs that provides L2/L3/L4
indicators for enforcing policy management on traffics.
Enhanced Multi-layer Security Protection
The ES-2724 is capable of strict security protection. For example, intrusion lock deters intruders while MAC
freeze, static MAC forwarding and MAC filtering provides MAC address-based protection. 802.1Q VLAN
divides the network traffic into different virtual LANs to protect business-critical information. Multi-layer
ACL provides L2/L3/L4 indicators for policy management and security protection. In terms of access
authentication, 802.1x supported for centralized management, and 802.1x further facilitates VLAN and
bandwidth allocation.
24-port Managed L3 Fast
Ethernet Switch