The printer has lately been crinkling most of the stuff that it prints. We recently changed the toner cartridge, but it made no difference. It crinkles after it prints, as flattening out the crinkle shows no distortion in the printed image. I have pulled out and looked at all the removable components and looked at all rollers that I could, and found nothing of note. The crinkle seems to mainly happen on the upper right portion of the page. It doesn't always do it, I can print 5 copies and 3 might be crinkled (and will often be crinkled in the same way). Is there a specific roller causing this that I can replace? I am capable of taking it apart and replacing a component if its necessary.

Asked by Adam on 10/14/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 3 months ago

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