Need to know how to login and configure as it is not connecting to the main router

Asked by fsec on 03/01/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 10 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 Dear fsec, I have 2 of these myself, a DE-1824 and a DE-1824i. There is no manual availlable on the net anymore, since they're EOL. Support is no longer continued by D-Link. However, there is a courtesy service provided by them, providing all the software needed. Visit the website of D-Link (. com) of your country and search for the support of the EOL-items. There you will find various files, including the DV-software. To update, access and manage your hub, you'll need the D-View software. This is what you need to access and manage the item. In worst case scenario, you'll have to manually reset the machines EEPROM for unrestricted access.... Hope this will help you with your quest to get the thing to work. With kind regards, Stephan
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5 A file was uploaded by an anonymous user I found this manual. de1824EI_manual_1.pdf
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