The charging port went bad. I tried different chargers to see if that was the problem, but not so much. Went to Best Buy where i bought it, they looked at it, told me the port is bad and that I had to get a new mother board. I know that there has to be a different way and cheaper. If you could, please help me out. thank you

Asked by Dan on 01/27/2009 5  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 12 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 I am sitting in front of a customer laptop (MT6821) and just replaced the jack in an orderly fashion. The computer is still dead - and this is not the first of these Gateway giving me this experience . WOrst case - after you checked the power adapter and soldered on a new DC jack - the charging circuit on the motherboard is TOAST
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0 GOOD news their is a cheaper way to do it you need mearly buy a new connector unsoder the old one (only hard part is disasembeling the computer) resoder on the new one and your good to go BAD news your going to need a electronics grade saudering iron some at least small amount of experince with it and a few other odds and ends if you allready have access to that kind of equipment and knowledge or a buddy to do the job your golden if not mother boards cheaper than the gear trust me ohhh the parts for sale on Ebay for about $8:50 give or take good luck
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0 Thegiave, you're comment was very helpful. I have to same problem with my MT6821, and am glad to know that it can be repaired. You mentioned that the part is on sale on ebay for $8.50. Could you provide a link to it, or a part number? Also, since replacing the motherboard is easier, could you let me know how I can figure out what motherboard I should buy as a replacement? Thanks!
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0 I am having the same problem with my laptop gateway MT6821. It is not charging anymore. Alreay bought a new adaptor but after all it seems to be the port of connection or something like this and now I need to get a complete new motherboard even if it is still working but this port is part of the motherboard !! I live in Cancun and my laptop was bought in Best Buy Miami. Please let me know how you solved the problem to see if I can do the same. Thank You !! Silvia
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0 We can solder for you for lees than the price of a new motherboard...
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