I recently purchased a Hanns.G HC194DP monitor. When I got it home and plugged everything in, all I got was a 'clicking noise' coming from the bottom of the monitor. I'm not a technician, but I DO know the monitor is not working. I tried it on 3 different computers(to eliminate video card problems), and all had the same result...Clicking, clicking, clicking...with NO PICTURE. No screen activity at all. The On/Off button cycled with the same frequency when the monitor was clicking...Off/On when click/click.

Asked by Ed Adams on 10/01/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 2 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 The 194D has a malfunction in the internal parts that causes it to go within the first two years. It powers on, and the clicking/popping noise is trying to load, but it will never load. You can try turning off Everything, unplug and replug everything, then start it back up. If that doesn't work it's not going to work at all. Recommend you either call the company to replace it or buy a new monitor.
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