hello there.. i have here ibm routeswitch 8277. can you help me in installing this ibm routeswitch? i am trying to set this up but still its not working.. my set up here is these.. 1) 3 internet connection 2) 3 linksys router 3) 1 ibm routeswitch 8277 my procedure. 1) every linksys router has its own ineternet connection. (linksys router was configured into DHCP or Obtain I.P Automatically 2) the output of the 3 linksys router was connected into port number 1 ,2, and 3 in S2 of the IBM RouteSwitch 8277. 3) lastly 10 computers ( also in DHCP Mode) wer attached to S3. this set up was not succesful . can you help me pls with this.. thank you and god bless may we always be john 1925

Asked by kristian ylanan on 03/17/2009 0  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 9 months ago

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