when top feeding a document the copy paper is not pulling through

Asked by BARBARA on 02/05/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 10 months ago

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5 Most of the time this is cause by the paper pickup rollers, which are made out of plastic or rubber, getting too dirty/slick to properly pick up the paper. Remove all the paper and the paper tray if you can. Using a long qtip, clean the rollers with alcohol. If that doesn't work, or can't be done with your printer, take all the paper out but one sheet. Spritz some alcohol on the bottom of that sheet and smear it out so it covers the entire width of the paper up about 2 inches. Then try to print a document that is a blank page. After either of these methods wait at least 4-5 minutes for all the alcohol to dry before trying to print again.
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