how do I change temperature to celsius

Asked by wendy on 03/09/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 10 months ago

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0 I just went through this problem and almost threw it away. The base station was in Fahrenheit and the outside transmitter was in Calcium. I tried changing the batteries in different orders but no luck and a thousand other things. When you open the outside transmitter into the battery compartment there are two little buttons. The one on the left is to transmit and the one on the right toggles the outside to either F or C. I couldn't figure out how to change the inside so I hit reset and began filling in the info using the Mode button to toggle and the up and down to changes the settings. Eventually you will see the "F" blinking and can toggle it with the up down buttons. Good luck, It took me many tries. Frustrating as hell.
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