We currently have a Norcent LM 730. It has been working fine until last week. Now when you turn on the computer the monitor comes on but doesn't say on. The power is on and the monitor displays an image for a second and then goes black. I checked all of the wires and connections and they are fine. After turning the monitor on and off about 10 times, it comes on and works fine. Can you let me know if this is a common problem or if there is something that I can do to fix it. My email address is m6a2r7k5@hotmail.com. Thank you for your time.

Asked by MArk on 03/20/2009 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 9 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 I'm having the same problem with this monitor, except it doesn't stay on after 10 power cycles. I'd also appreciate any advice.
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0 Monitor turns on for a second then shuts down -If you figure it out let me know truste_48@hotmail.com
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0 Monitor turns on for a second then shuts down -If you figure it out let me know truste_48@hotmail.com
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