I bought the unit yesterday. The MASTER and UNSWITCHED outlets work OK. The SECONDARY LED doesn't light and the associated outlets are dead in the water. Help !!

Asked by Don on 06/27/2010 5  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 7 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 I too bought one yesterday and the same as above. I took the first one back and got a new one, the exact same problem. I have switched outlets, same problem, switched to another residence, same problem.
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3 I've learned that you have to have something plugged into the MASTER outlet before the Secondary outlets are active and then if something happens to the device plugged into the MASTER all the Secondary outlets turno off instantaneously. I hope this message gets to everyone with the "problen." DonD39@HotMail.com ----------------------------------------------------
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1 I learned that late yesterday. Thanks again
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0 I too bought one yesterday and the same as above. I took the first one back and got a new one, the exact same problem. I have switched outlets, same problem, switched to another residence, same problem.
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0 I pulled my 10 key calculator into the master and my monitor and tower into the secondary outlets - still nothing - any suggestions?
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