How can/do I reset the administrator password to change the settings???

Asked by BT Schwier on 09/19/2008 9  Answers

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5 Leave ID then on password type "Password". I just did it and it worked. Good luck
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5 found a solution incase anybody else struggles here, type in username supervisor with no password and you will get in and enough access to change the admin password !
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4 I FOUND IT!!! Simply hold the Start/Stop and JobReset buttons down at the same time while powering on the printer. This will reset the printer back to Factory default. Then the username/password is Admin (with a capital A) and no password.
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4 The Default un/pw combination is Admin with no password. If it has been changed, the only way to get it reset to that is having a Ricoh Technician come out to your site. (at least that what tech support tells me... :( )
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1 Muchas gracias, lo conseguí con "supervisor" thanks a lot, I got it
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0 Ive tried all of that and it still does work what can i do now.
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0 I've tried with "supervisor" and it works, my printer is in Spanish language. Thanks
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0 for Administrator, try "admin" without password
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0 The "supervisor" access helped me. Thank you for the suggestion.
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