Hi, i recently purchased a Sharp electronic type writer model PA-3020 II and its been fine the past few days. I've had no problems typing on it, and today when i went to go and use it, it beeped. every time i press a letter or number it beeps. i read the manual hoping to find something to help me, but nothing referred to my problem. It did say something about left and right margins, but i cant figure out how to use those, even if i do have the manual to guide me through it. i need someone to walk me through how to get this working again, cuz i cant ask a manual questions. thanks, please try to get back to me as soon as you van, bye.

Asked by Benjamin on 01/10/2016 4  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 8 years, 11 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
3 bitch dat link brings me to a dishwasher manual. And not only that, but i said i needed answers did i not? I specifically said i HAD a manual and i DIDN'T have answers for it, so why da fuk u give me a manual. its not even a manual for what i have a problem with either, what relation does a dishwasher have with a typewriter? if this is an automated message, you'd best tell me now,m because there is nothing keeping me back from stopping me from giving this website a bad reputation.
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